It’s a great time to move to paradise!
386 km of Caribbean coastline (about 240 miles)
Belize is 8,867 square miles of tropical land
Currency: The exchange rate is fixed at $1 USD = $2 BZD. Most businesses accept both US and BZ dollars.
Time Zone: is Central Standard. Belize does not observe Daylight Savings so during that time of year, we align with Mountain Standard.
Experience Belize’s biodiversity right outside your door!
Roadways: There are 4 main highways in Belize: Western, Northern, Southern and the Hummingbird Highway. Contact us for car rentals, we can help you secure a deal!
In-Country Airlines: Maya Island Air, Tropic Air
Languages spoken: English is the official language of Belize. It is estimated that 80% of the country’s population speaks English, 63% Spanish. Belize is a wonderfully diverse country where you will also hear Mayan, Kriol (Belizean Creole English) Garifuna, German and many other languages.
International Living Magazine calls Belize “The Top English Speaking Retirement Haven in the Caribbean”
Banking: Most areas have banks and ATMs. There are 4 banks in Placencia and 4 24-hr ATMs and 1 Belize Bank ATM in Hopkins.
Population: Approximately 308,000
Most populated area in the country: Belize City with just over 70,000 people
Education is 5.3% of total GDP
Passport is required: (30-day visas are granted upon arrival)
Airport arrival fee: $40 USD
Country calling code: 501 (from the US and Canada, dial 011-501-)
Belize is one of the few countries in the world offering a foreign retirement incentive!