The Belize Zoo A Must See


Belize Zoo

What started off as a small abode for animals starring in documentaries about tropical forests in 1983, has grown to be one of the most visited places in Belize. The Belize Zoo and Tropical Education Center has only gotten better as time went by, now accommodating over 150 animals. Some orphaned or donated by zoological institutions around the world, others rescued or born at the zoo.

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Belize Is One Of The Top Retirement Havens Where It’s Easy To Integrate

By: Placencia AerialPhoto Credit:

Editor from, Steenie Harvey said: “When looking at great retirement destinations overseas, low costs and affordable real estate may be well and good, but you need to feel at home”

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FAQ - Why Buy Property in Belize?


There are many reasons why buying property in Belize is a great idea and a good investment. Here are a few of them:

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Belize A Must-See Destination for your 2015 Travels


Belize was promoted in the Good Morning America show by Pauline Frommer as one of the top travel destinations for 2015. She described the country as having “glorious / pristine rainforests, gorgeous nature, incredible water sports… it’s definitely a family vacation”. Watch the clip after the break.

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FAQ - Can I bring my Pet to Belize?


Yes. The following are the requirements:

  • A valid import permit must be submitted to the BAHA (Belize Agricultural Health Authority) office.

Other documents accompanying the application are:

  • A recent Veterinary health certificate, no older than 14 days.
  • A recent Rabies certificate (not less than a month and not more than a year since last checked)

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What killed the Maya? Belize’s Blue Hole gives a clue


The civilization built monumental pyramids, invented their own calendar, a unique writing system and were experts in astronomy, but what contributed to the extinction of the ancient Mayan civilization? 

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A Thank You from the Placencia Humane Society


A thank you letter from the Placencia Humane Society; RE/MAX 1st Choice's generous donation and support helped sponsor veterinary care for Villages of which would not receive any care at all. The "Helping Paws Across Boarders" team with the help of the Placencia Humane Society where able to see more the 370 animals...

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Tourism in Belize 2014 Statistics


“A lot of our industry partners have been telling us that… it’s one of the best slow seasons they’ve had. So now we’re heading into the high season and we’re really excited about that”. Alyssa Carnegie, Director of marketing & Industry Relations at the Belize Tourism Board during a press conference.

The increasing numbers on our tourist arrival statistics for this year makes it clear that the efforts to improve the industry have well paid off. A glance at the last few years Overnight, Airport and Cruise tourist arrivals show that 2014 has indeed been a very productive year. More and more people are getting interested to discover the wonders of this little but delightful country in the Caribbean.

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FAQ - Where's the best place to live in Belize?


1st Choice Belize - FAQ

Belize offers different kinds of environments to suit anybody’s dream house, whether it is on the beach, in a peaceful laidback little town, on large agriculture land or even on an Island surrounded by the Caribbean sea.

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FAQ - What are some of the costs when purchasing property in Belize?


This is our first entry on our ongoing segment “FAQ's about Belize Real Estate”

1st Choice Belize - FAQ

A 5% Stamp tax, which is required by the Government of Belize, on the total value of your purchased asset, however the first $10,000 USD are exempt. Closing Costs will range between 1.5% - 3% which includes getting all transfer documents prepared and lodged a general title search and the finalization of the sales agreement to close the sale.

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Belize Bird Rescue


Insight Into the Amazing Work the Belize Bird Rescue Center is Doing

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Stann Creek, Belize
P: +(501) 523-3666
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Main Road, Hopkins Village
Stann Creek, Belize
P: +(501) 522-3225
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25 4th Ave
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P: +(501) 423-4171
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