Where in Paradise Would You Live? Part 1
By: David Kafka
When I first started coming to Belize around 2005, the most popular t-shirt to buy was "Where the Hell is Belize?". Now more and more people know about this beautiful country that is about the size of Connecticut.
This week's Blog: Belize, Experiences of a Lifetime
By: David Kafka
Many of you know by now my journey on moving to Belize over 15 years ago. We wanted a Caribbean vacation that wasn’t on a cruise ship. All it took was that first trip and I was in love. I write about this journey in the #1 Amazon Best Seller book, Don’t Quit. It’s a great book on real-life stories of persistence, courage, and faith. I recommend you check it out if you are needing a little inspiration about life.
My beautiful daughter, Serena, was 11 when we moved to Belize, but she was 6 years old when we came for the first time. What a trooper she was. We uprooted her from malls, movies, private schools, and first-world living to moving to a third world but developing country.
Where in Paradise Would You Live? Part 2
By: David Kafka
Although Belize has a relatively small geographical footprint, it is absolutely bursting with cultural and topographical diversity.
Physically, Belize includes a wide variety of beautiful landscapes ranging from dense jungle to city to cool Caribbean shoreline. It is also home to people from many different backgrounds and cultures.
Each of Belize’s six distinct districts offers its own history and characteristics to its visitors and residents. Together, they combine to create this incredible paradise, often referred to as “The jewel in the heart of the Caribbean Basin.”
A few weeks ago, we touched on Stann Creek and Toledo. This week, we dive into the distinctive features of two more districts: Corozal and the Orange Walk District.
Reason #4,657,999 As to Why to Visit and Move to Belize
By: David Kafka
I am a foodie; I love food. One of the biggest and most pleasant shocks I received when I initially visited over 15 years ago was the FOOD. Everywhere I went, the food was great. I have so many stories and endless pictures of the awesome food I have eaten throughout this wonderful country, Belize.
Best Damn Zoo, a Must Visit!
By: David Kafka
I LOVE animals. It’s one of the reasons why I have been on the board of directors for The Placencia Humane Society for so long. Sometimes I find myself wanting to be with animals rather than people.
Where in Paradise Would You Live? Part 3
By: David Kafka
In case you haven’t found your little slice of paradise just yet, this week, we’ll dive into a couple of districts in Belize: Stann Creek and Toledo.
Stann Creek
The Stann Creek district, located 90 miles from Belize City by land and 36 miles by sea, can also be accessed via the Manatee Highway, located at Milepost 30.5 on the Western Highway (less than two miles past the Belize Zoo turnoff).
The Manatee Highway or Coastal Highway as it is also known is currently being widened, raised and paved. It is a 4 year project that was started in 2020.
The Scoop on Belize Citizenship, Residency, Visas & More
By: David Kafka
What is one thing that Belize has that many other countries don’t? Space! No matter what religion you are, what political party you belong to, your background, etc. We have one word for you: WELCOME!
Mangroves in Belize
By: David Kafka
It’s no secret that animals hold a special place in my heart. Along with that is protecting their habitat and ours. Although we are a real estate company and support new development, protecting the environment and the ecosystem is always at the forefront of any project we participate in.
One of my favorite plants, and a very crucial one to Belize, is the mangrove.
Top 5 Questions to Ask When Buying Real Estate in Belize
By: David Kafka
With our exclusive relationship with realtor.com/international and other websites, we receive a large number of leads every day. Many leads are the same person messaging four or five different realtors in the same area. In North America, we use one agent, and they show you all the properties you want.
Belize is no different.
Belize Jungle: Reviews of Calico Jack’s and Sleeping Giant
By: David Kafka
Last week was a bit stressful.
I wanted to get away and lock myself up in a room to catch up on work.
What did I do?
I went to Cayo and stayed in Calico Jack’s Village. Then I visited Sleeping Giant Rainforest Lodge for a few days.
Belize is Open for Travel and Easy to Visit in 2021
By: David Kafka
Since my last newsletter, I have been to the U.S. twice, and the overall travel was easy to and from. After enjoying a great weekend with other Syndicators at The Real Estate Guys™ Inner Circle Mastermind, I have just returned from Dallas, TX.
I enjoyed a direct flight to Dallas from Belize. It’s great that I can have lunch in Belize and then dinner in Dallas on the same day. I normally like going through Houston to get my Whataburger, but the last 2 trips were direct.
The day before my departure, I had a COVID test, and only the airlines requested it. Upon arrival in Belize, I took another COVID test at the airport.
You know you often travel when the Customs Officer doesn’t ask for your passport anymore and can call you by name. That’s what happened this trip. It just shows that traveling to Belize is pretty easy.
Plan B; Why Not Live Outside of Your Home Country?
By: David Kafka
Have you heard of Simon Black from Sovereign Man or Robert Kiyosaki who talks about the pension crisis in his latest book Who Stole My Pension?: How You Can Stop the Looting? They talk about the vast amount of debt the United States and other countries have. Simon Black talks about having a Plan B and with COVID-19 it seems even more of a reason to have that Plan B.
In 2019, the United States had a total debt of over $21.6 TRILLION USD. At the start of 2020, it was $22,622,684,674,364.43, that is OVER $1 Trillion in debt in 12 months. With COVID-19 an extra $2.2 trillion stimulus package the federal government passed at the end of March. More funding for federal programs is expected to move through Congress. Who will pay for this? Who will get bailed out?
As if Trillion of dollars of debt isn’t enough to worry about, there’s the pension fraud going on. Again, who will pay for that? Unfortunately, it will be our children, their children, and the generations after.
So, what is Plan B, and is it an option? Plan B is about having the option of dual citizenship, a second passport issued by a government to certify the holder’s identity and citizenship within that country. Aside from dual citizenship, a second passport provides more options and freedom in business, studies, investments, and living. It also gives you a wider range of traveling to countries without a visa.
Here are some benefits of having secondary citizenship and passport:
The Pros and Cons of Investing in Belize
By: David Kafka
It was a fantastic week in Placencia, talking and catching up with past and potential clients. I have been traveling to the United States to speak with others about investing in Belize, plus meetings in San Pedro for other real estate opportunities countrywide. Our real estate offices are busy helping sellers and buyers, and it’s been great seeing all the activity.
In all of the hustle and bustle, I forgot to stop and enjoy the beautiful country I live in!
Everyone always asks: what can I do in Belize?
Tropical Greetings and COVID Belize Updates
By: David Kafka
Tropical Greetings from Belize!
A lot of exciting stuff has been going on in Belize lately, so I wanted to give a brief update on what’s going on in paradise.
Let’s get the COVID numbers out of the way... Belize is still doing an excellent job at keeping numbers low. At the time I wrote this newsletter, we have ONLY 52 active cases in the whole country. There are NO patients in the Belize COVID unit.
Women and Financial Independence 2
Women and Financial Independence 2
Hey all my lady friends who follow this page - I recently made a post about Kim Kiyosaki's book "Rich Woman". I have finished the book, studying chapter by chapter, day by day and so much of what is written in the book resonates deeply within me.
Women depend on men for financial stability, and financial information. And while it is true that men generally earn more than women it isn't true that men are any more knowledgeable in the financial field. And their greater earning power certainly can open more opportunities than for women, generally speaking.
However if an individual knows more than you do about investments it's because he or she has made a special attempt to learn about it. There is nothing inherent, it's not built into the male gene but our socialized conditioning leads us to deep down believe that men are better at it than we are.
They aren't.
Famous Mayan Ruins in Belize
By: David Kafka
Famous Maya Ruins In Belize.
Belize awaits you, a little taste of adventure whether it maybe fishing on the reef or climbing up a Maya ruin; this could be a holiday escape from the cold or just a long overdue vacation. You will get to experience diverse culture, food, history, dance and much more. This is what makes Belize so unique to be Belize!
Sometime around the 1800’s or even before this history was documented shrouded in mystery, Maya civilization was developed. Historians and archaeologists have always been fascinated by what is now believed to be just the remains of once great civilizations built by people who are today classified as ancient Mayas. These skilled hunters and craftsmen settled in various parts of the Americas including: Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Western Honduras.
Women and Finances 1
Women and Financial Independence 1
For all the ladies in the group, or for those men who have ladies in their lives - do you women know the state of your personal financial health?
I'm reading Kim Kiyosaki's "Rich Woman" and the content is eye-opening. It is directed towards women specifically because our circumstances are different from those of men. Women live longer. Men, generally, are the keepers of the finances and often times the woman knows little to nothing about the state of the finances. When the husband passes away or moves on where does that leave the woman? Much, much poorer and many times in more dire straits.
I recommend reading this book. Yes, the focus is on real estate, but the original intent is clear : women -> learn about and take care of your financial situation.
KIM KIYOSAKI - RICH WOMAN: How To Challenge The Way You Think About Money - Part 1/2 | London Real
End The Stigma
By: David Kafka
The month of May is dedicated to bringing awareness to mental health and wellbeing. Our hope is to help our community by making it easier for individuals who are suffering in silence to have a safe space to speak out. We’re hoping to end the stigma about mental health.